What to expect before hip replacement surgery

john muir medical center, hospital, concord, california
John Muir Medical Center, Concord, California; my home during anterior hip replacement surgery

What to expect before hip replacement surgery

Once you’ve adjusted to the fact that you’ll need to have hip replacement surgery, it’s important to know what to expect. With this post on what to expect before hip replacement surgery, I’ll discuss pre-operation medical appointments. I’ll also answer some of the questions I had with my orthopedic surgeon. Everyone’s hip replacement journey is unique. This is one travel writer’s journey.

This is the second in a 4-part series that will help you deal with total hip replacement (THR) and travel.

Part 1: Preparing for joint replacement surgery, the road from denial to acceptance.

Part 2: Preparing for surgery. What to expect before hip replacement surgery.

Part 3: Recovery and travel with hip replacement. What to expect after hip replacement surgery.

Part 4: On the travel road again

Disclaimer: Many people suffer from disabilities – either as a result of acquired disability, accidents, injuries, congenital or other factors. Fortunately, my disability is temporary, yet my experience opened my eyes to inclusive travel and the physical and emotional challenges disabled travelers face. I am fortunate to have the choice of anterior approach hip replacement.

Computer-Assisted Navigation for Orthopedic Hip Replacement Surgery

Surgery denied read the letter from my health insurance provider. At first I was livid; then a sense of sadness set in. Would I not receive hip replacement surgery after my months of planning?  After speaking with my surgeon’s assistant, I learned that most computer assisted surgery procedures are denied as they are considered experimental or investigational in nature –  but necessary in the operating room (OR.) Three days later, I received a second letter from my health insurance provider confirming that my anterior approach hip replacement surgery was approved; the computer assisted navigation would be the least of my worries.

blood draw, blood sample, phlebotomist, preparing for surgery
Blood work before surgery. Photo © Nancy D. Brown

Pre-operation appointments for joint replacement surgery

Unless you have had prior surgeries, you may not be aware of the necessary medical steps needed prior to joint replacement surgery. My surgeon requested the following tests pre-surgery:

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Electrocardiogram (EKG) a painless test that records the heart’s electrical activity

Chest x-ray

Blood draw

What to expect pre-hip replacement surgery

John Muir Medical Center, Concord offered a pre-surgery appointment to review my medical prescriptions and to give me an opportunity to ask the nurse some questions regarding hip replacement surgery and travel. As a professional travel writer, I knew that I would not be able to travel by airplane for six weeks. It was also suggested to avoid long car rides, but if necessary, remember to stop frequently and get out of the car to avoid blood clots.

Hip replacement and travel questions

Is it safe to travel, perhaps internationally, prior to hip replacement surgery? According to my surgeon and the nurse, it is safe to travel pre-hip replacement surgery.

john muir medical cententer, hospital admitting, concord, california
John Muir Hospital short stay unit

Questions before hip replacement surgery?

I specialize in luxury and equestrian travel. Is it okay to go horseback riding before joint replacement surgery? Both doctor and nurse agreed that the risk of injury prior to hip replacement surgery is not worth the reward. I would be able to squeeze in one more luxury lodging review prior to surgery, but horseback riding in Puerto Vallarta would have to wait until after my anterior hip replacement.

Is it safe to consume alcohol prior to hip replacement surgery? While it is safe to drink alcohol days before surgery, it is very important that you follow the directions of the surgeon 24 hours before surgery. In my case, as I would be on blood thinners post-surgery, it was important not to take pain relievers such as Tylenol pre-surgery. I also had to shower the night prior using special anti-bacterial wipes to prevent staph infections on my skin.

Have you experienced joint replacement surgery?  What recommendations do you have for those what to expect before hip or knee replacement surgery?

4 thoughts on “What to expect before hip replacement surgery”

  1. Thanks For sharing this content. It gives clear ideas to patient who wants to go for hip surgery.

  2. Pingback: Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery: Is It Right For You? | Nancy D Brown

  3. Pingback: Preparing for joint replacement surgery, one woman's journey | Nancy D Brown

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