Sexy Walking Shoes for Wide Feet – What a Trip

Manolo Blahnik sandals
Manolo Blahnik sandals

Manolo Blahnik Sandals Were Not Designed for Wide Feet

I can relate to how Goldilocks felt when she was picking out her bed at the Three Bear’s house. This one’s too hard, this one’s too soft, this one’s just right. I have a wide foot and a high arch. Not a lot of shoes fit my feet. And while I don’t have a fettish for Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals, it bums me out that my feet will never look good in sexy shoes.

Travel Writers Need Comfortable Walking Shoes

Fortunately, I’m not interviewing for a walk on part with Sex in the City. I’m going to Lucerne, Switzerland in May and I need some serious, comfortable walking shoes for this trip. With that in mind, I visited my local European shoe store and mentally prepared myself to spend some serious coin.

If The Shoe Fits

naot, sandals
Naot sandals for wide feet

I tried on the German-made Finn Comfort Shoe, but it was too narrow. I didn’t even bother with the Ecco brand. Finally, I had success with the Naot Cliff sandal in Java Nubuk. These Israel-made shoes are composed of natural Italian leather uppers and have a shock resistant, anatomical footbed, while the sole is made of rubber, polyurathaine and latex. I paid $189. for my new shoes. I also bought a pair of New Balance walking shoes that set me back $139.

My teenager says that my new shoes, ” are really not attractive.” Yet beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  And while my walking shoes may not be coveted by my fashion-conscious daughter, they make my wide feet happy and THAT is the new sexy for me.  Do you have wide feet? What are your favorite walking shoes or sandals?

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3 thoughts on “Sexy Walking Shoes for Wide Feet – What a Trip”

  1. Authentic Seacoast Resort

    Happy feet make for a happy trip! The New Balance website is great. I think a trip to the New Balance store is in order when we come to Chicago for TBEX. Thanks for sharing!

  2. No matter what you pack for traveling nothing can be more important than good walking/hiking shoes or boots. I would rate socks a distant second and third place goes to a secure and comfortable bag/pack.I have been traveling for at least 30 years and a full time traveler for the past nine years.In North America we have some,(not enough) handicapped access to many places. In the rest of the world,if you can’t walk you are not going to see much unfortunately.Take care of those feet and ankles and walk on!

  3. I must be flat footed, because the most comfortable shoes I own are my low top Converse. If I didn’t dress so girly so much, I’d wear them ALL THE TIME.p.s. What a cool photograph! It looks like an art installation.

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