Review: OtterBox Defender Case iPhone 6

Otterbox, iPhone 6, travel gear
Otterbox iPhone 6 Defender Case travel gear review.

It’s that time of year – time for a new iPhone upgrade – which means a new Otterbox to protect my smartphone investment. I have been reviewing and a fan of the Otterbox Defender Case series since 2009.

As a freelance writer specializing in equestrian travel, I have come to rely on Otterbox triple-layer of protection for my iPhone. Not only does the Defender Case protect my smartphone against drops from the back of a horse, it keeps the dust away from my phone and protects my screen from scratches during my active travel adventures.

Otterbox color

Like my luggage and travel apparel, I shy away from basic black. I typically opt for shades of blue in my luggage, clothing and swimwear. It makes perfect sense to go with the Moroccan Sky shade of blue offered in the Otterbox graphics collection. I’ve always preferred a horse of a different color! In honor of my husband and son, the hunters, my OtterBox from 2013 featured Realtree camo patterns in pink. For those of you who prefer your phone to stand out in a crowd, the Colorado-based company offers the option to build your own Otterbox case, as well as NFL football team options.

iPhone 6, Otterbox
Apple’s lightning to 30-pin adapter for iPhone 6 doesn’t work with Otterbox defender case.

Insider Tip

While I am happy with my Otterbox case, I am not happy with how the case works with my Mini Cooper vehicle. I purchased the iPhone Lightning 30-pin Adapter to accommodate the iPhone 6 for battery charging purposes and was disappointed to learn that the adapter isn’t long enough to fit with the defender case. I have two options, uses the iPhone (and my Bluetooth option) without plugging in or I have to remove my smartphone case to make the connection. First world problems, I know, but still a bit frustrating. Do you have a solution for my dilemma?

For additional insider tips follow Luxury Travel Writer Nancy D. Brown on Twitter @Nancydbrown and follow @Otterbox on Twitter.

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iPhone 6, smartphone
iPhone 6 charging without Otterbox case.

Otterbox Defender Case

Suggested retail price: $59.95

Otterbox, otterbox case
Love my Otterbox case

Otterbox provided me with the iPhone 6 Defender case for review purposes. All opinions are my own. Travel gear review and Defender case photos courtesy of Travel Writer Nancy D. Brown. Top photo courtesy of Otterbox.