Maidentrip is a true story of 14 year-old Laura Dekker setting out to be the youngest person to sail around the world solo. While Laura accomplishes her objective, the experience is not so much about setting a speed record as it is about enjoying the journey, while testing herself and her sailing abilities along the way.
As a parent of two young adults, I remember the turmoil her decision sparked in the media and with the Dutch authorities. While I didn’t doubt her sailing skills, I questioned if it was safe for a female teenager to sail solo on the open sea.
Solo travel
As I watched the movie, seeing Laura land alone in the Galapagos Islands, French Polynesia, Australia and Africa, I felt protective of the fiercely independent young woman and hoped no one took advantage of her during her solo travel. Fortunately for Laura her travel experiences, both on land and at sea, proved uneventful.
On that note, the feature documentary movie, Maidentrip, directed by independent filmmaker Jillian Schlesinger, might be too low-key for some movie-goers used to being spoon-fed constant thrill-a-minute, on the edge of your seat action and adventure.
Laura wears a sail harness at all times during her maiden sailing voyage. The only thing that goes overboard during her travels is a pancake she sacrifices to Neptune god of the sea, when she crosses the equator in a long-standing line crossing ceremony tradition.
The one hour and 22 minute unrated movie is an award winner, capturing the audience award at 2013 SXSW Film Festival. I watched this movie with my husband. As an introvert who never gets enough alone time in the woods, he could relate to Laura’s joy spending 47 days alone at sea. As a journalist, I could relate to the writer on board, peppering Laura with questions about her travels while her boat, Guppy, was docked at port.
“Freedom is when you are not attached to anything,” says sailor and world traveler Laura Dekker.
The movie Maidentrip features beautiful photography and will inspire the adventurer to get up from your seat and go travel.
Where to See: Maidentrip
Movie review by Nancy D. Brown. First Run Features supplied me with this DVD for review purposes, as well as photos. All opinions are my own.
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I didn’t even know this movie was out! I love finding new travel flicks. Thanks, Nancy!
I prefer travel movies to horror and sci-fi movies any day.
Impressive achievement for someone so young. Amazing!