A Horseback Riding Vacation Blog – Writinghorseback.com

If you enjoy going horseback riding on vacation, you’ll want to check out my new blog – Writinghorseback.com Travel blogs are bubbling up faster than popping corn in a microwave oven. What makes a travel blog unique? Obviously the travel blog has to be well written and have wonderful photos; it also has to have a highly-focused niche that is often searched for on the internet.

My travel blogging niche is horseback riding vacations.

Passion for Travel and Horse Lover

At  Writinghorseback.com, I’ve combined my passion for travel with my love of horses. It made sense to launch Writinghorseback.com, as I’m not the only horse-crazy fool who jumps at the chance to go on a horseback riding vacation as often as possible.

Writinghorseback.com will serve as your guide to horseback riding vacations and equestrian travel deals. As I’m already traveling to wonderful locations for my newspaper and magazine articles, I thought it made sense to have a website devoted to the best horseback riding vacations.


An Icelandic Horseback Riding VacationAs the site grows, I plan to offer lodging and equestrian-based horseback riding vacation discounts to subscribers. My first exclusive rate is for a trip to Iceland to ride the Icelandic ponies. I will also be writing horse-related tack and riding apparel reviews.




If you are a fan of social media, please consider becoming a Writing Horseback Facebook Fan. Not only will you find me on Twitter @Nancydbrown, I’m also the equestrian tweeter behind @Ridinghorseback.

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9 thoughts on “A Horseback Riding Vacation Blog – Writinghorseback.com”

  1. Cave Creek horse lover

    I love horses and blogging about horses! I love what you’re saying and I’m excited to use your ideas in my blogs, keep it up! 🙂

  2. @Cave Creek horse lover
    I’ll be reviewing Rancho de los Caballeros in Wickenburg, Arizona early January 2012. Maybe someday I’ll visit Cave Creek and Spur Cross Stables. What a trip.

  3. Your article has proven useful to me. It’s very informative and you are obviously very knowledgeable in this area. You have opened my eyes to varying views on this topic with interesting and solid content.

  4. When I was a kid, I had a horse named Patches and I loved to ride her across the field with my bareback blanket. It was much quicker than putting the whole saddle on and so much fun!!!

  5. Imagine the feel of the wind blowing past your hair, the fresh breeze blowing freedom as gorgeous landscapes roll past you astride a majestic and gently cantering horse.

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