Tripbase Travel Secrets E-Books for Charity

Tripbase Travel Secrets - free e-books for Charity: Water, Nancy D. Brown contributor
Tripbase Travel Secrets – E-books for Charity Water

First down loadable series of E-books of Travel Secrets –  Free!

Imagine a list of top secret travel tips compiled by travel writers and bloggers from across the globe? If you are a savvy web user and look to the internet as a first step to begin your travel planning, have I got a travel tip for you.

Tripbase  has compiled a series of seven e-books of “The Best Travel Secrets” that you, my dear friend, can download FOR FREE! Top travel writers such as Peter Greenberg, Rolf Potts and Johnny Jet have contributed three of their best kept travel secrets for this e-book series.

First e-book tied to Charity

Download free travel e-book - Help raise funds for Charity: water
Download free Tripbase travel e-book – Help raise funds for Charity: water

As the folks at Tripbase asked all of the travel writers and bloggers to donate their “best travel secrets” it is only fitting that Tripbase continue to pay this goodwill effort forward with a donation to Charity.

Tripbase has partnered with New York-based Charity: Water and will make a donation to the organization based on the success of the e-book downloads.

Want to know my three travel secrets? What are you waiting for? Dowload the free Travel Secrets e-book. Of course, if you’d like to make a donation to Charity: water, they welcome your donation.

I’ve helped, please help too
led by Tripbase

What are your favorite travel secrets? If you have a blog, join in the fun. Leave a comment below.

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2 thoughts on “Tripbase Travel Secrets E-Books for Charity”

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