Travel Gift Guide – Gifts for Traveler

Airship Ventures, Zeppelin, Golden Gate Bridge, Nancy D. Brown, travel

Travel Gift Guide for the Globetrotter in your life

Whether you prefer travel by land, sea or air, this travel holiday gift guide has a gift in mind for every traveler. From high ticket, luxury travel experiences to affordable stocking stuffers for the travel girl or guy in your life, this list has something to please everyone.

Up In the Air Travel

Love taking aerial photographs, but not wild about hanging out of a helicopter while being harnessed to the door frame? Take a ride in Airship Ventures Zeppelin. From Los Angeles to Monterey and San Francisco, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is the ideal gift for the adventure seeking traveler. Visit the Airship Ventures website for special holiday pricing.

Hornblower Cruises or Hurtigruten – Sail the West Coast

Be it sailing California’s West Coast with Hornblower Cruises or plying Norway’s West Coast waters with Hurtigruten,  sea-worthy travelers will want to keep their eye on the horizon. For gift ideas such as a holiday wine tasting cruise on San Francisco Bay or a whale watching cruise in San Diego, Hornblower Cruises has got California’s west coast destinations covered.

For a sailing adventure further afield, look to Hurtigruten to offer seven day coastal voyages on Norway’s West Coast. There are plenty of things to see and do in Norway while sailing aboard one of 14 Hurtigruten ships.

California, Hornblower Cruises, Golden Gate Bridge, Nancy D. Brown, travel

Travel Gift of Goodwill – Donate to Passports with Purpose

Here’s a holiday gift idea that will make everyone feel good and doesn’t even require gift wrap. Passports with Purpose is helping to build a village in India.

For a $10 donation you will be able to select a prize that a travel blogger has donated in support of Passports with Purpose. My sponsors, HurtigrutenUSA and Briggs & Riley have each donated an item. HurtigrutenUSA has donated a seven-day Norwegian Coastal voyage for two, valued at $2,074. Briggs and Riley donated a 22” Upright carry-on, a $290 value.

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Carried Away on the Streets of San Francisco

Leave your car keys and your cares behind for a day of fun on the streets of San Francisco. Carried Away is a new car tour company run by two fun, energetic and knowledgeable ladies from the San Francisco Bay Area. Foodies will love the Snacker’s Delight tour, while the Big Soak will give you a full day of things to do in San Francisco .

Hands Free Travel

Scottevest, travel apparel, Nancy D. Brown, travel
The Scottevest allows for hands free travel

We all know a gadget guy or girl. Someone who has state–of-the art ear phones plugged into their iPod in one hand, while an Otterbox smart phone case protects their precious iPhone in the other hand;  an iPad is tucked into their carry on bag, that hangs over the shoulder. Imagine if a stylish travel vest existed that allowed the gadget guy to carry all of his travel items in his vest, while leaving him hands free to breeze through airport security. Such a vest exists and its called the Scottevest.

As an equestrian, I wear the Scottevest, priced at $100, on my horseback rides. Of course, the vest also comes in handy while I’m traveling. Their latest product for the traveler is the SEv Carry-On Coat.

A major airline refused to run an advertisement for the SEv Carry-On Coat in their in-flight magazine. Why? Because the $225 coat contains 33 pockets – enough to eliminate the need to check baggage on a weekend trip.

Safe Travel

Are you a woman who travels often for business or pleasure? Are you a collage student or backpacker staying in inexpensive hotel rooms? Priced at $19.99 the Ila WEDGE portable door alarm makes a great stocking stuffer for the security minded traveler.   Turn the power switch on and slide the wedge under the door as an extra security measure. The locked door will be difficult to open and the ear-splitting alarm will ward off intruders.

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Lightweight Travel

Sick and tired of paying checked luggage fees? Back hurt from lifting heavy luggage into the overhead airline storage bins? Check out Briggs and Riley’s BRX Explore 22″ Upright Carryon. At seven and a half pounds, this light weight carry-on luggage from Briggs & Riley will have travelers worldwide singing Joy to the World this holiday season.

Mosquito Free Travel

Insect Shield, Halo, ExOfficio, Nancy D. Brown, travel apparel
ExOfficio has joined with Insect Shield to create insect resistant clothing

The fisherman, equestrian or adventurous traveler on your list will thank you for their insect shield clothing from ExOfficio.

ExOfficio has joined forces with Insect Shield to create insect shield clothing, proven effective up to 70 washings. I have the Halo woman’s long-sleeve shirt, retailing for $60. Kids with limited budgets might consider giving the Insect Shield Vented Hiker Sock. Priced at $14.92 on the website, and made from 17% wool, these socks protect you from bugs and keep your toes warm.

Related Posts:

For the book lover on your list, Ten Perfect Gifts for Travelers Who Read.

Travel Clothes – Holiday Gift Guide

What are your holiday gift ideas for the traveler?

Airship Ventures photo by Nancy D. Brown, California Hornblower photo courtesy of Hornblower Cruises and Events.

7 thoughts on “Travel Gift Guide – Gifts for Traveler”

  1. Nice selection of travel-related gifts. I could have used the Ex-Officio mosquito-proof shirts that last time I was in Nairobi.

  2. This is a very helpful post! These are great gift ideas. I’d go buy myself a Ila WEDG. This should ease my worries every time I leave my hotel room during my travels. Thank you!

  3. I’ve heard a lot about the Scotty Vest but had never seen it. I thought it would look like a fisherman’s vest but it’s actually quite stylish.

  4. I could definitely use that Scotty Vest. I’m constantly having to juggle purses, passports, etc; more pockets would be an excellent idea 🙂

  5. Good ideas, and I’m so glad that I have another chance to win that Norwegian cruise this year at Passports With Purpose. And Thanks for mentioning A Traveler’s Library’s 10 Perfect Gifts for Travelers Who Read.

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