Suzanne Somers NAP26 App Travel Gear Review

Sleep deprived college student reviews Suzanne Somers NAP26 – Travel Gear Review

I am a college student who has struggled with sleep issues for the past year or so. I have tried many different sleep aids and devices but nothing has seen to work for me and Nap26 is no exception. The idea behind Suzanne Somers’ CD “Nap26” is that after listening to soothing sounds for 26 minutes, the listener will wake up feeling like they have just slept for three hours.

Download NAP26 App to iPhone or iPad

I downloaded the CD onto my iPod and hoped to fall asleep listening to the track. The CD begins by telling the listener to get comfortable and relax, which was easy enough. The CD then goes on to play 26 minutes of what sounds like Niagara Falls. This is not soothing; it is irritating. Not only did I never even become close to falling asleep, the dull monotonous drone of the water made me more anxious. I kept waiting for the soothing sounds to begin. I looked at my iPod and the track was already halfway over and I was in no way tired. Finally after painfully listening to the same sound for about 24 minutes, the track ends with a man saying “You can wake up from your name now.” Really? Can I? I was never napping. Then for some reason birds start chirping and the track is finished.

NAP26 App – good intentions – no sleep relief

Nap26 has good intentions,  but it proved completely unsuccessful for me. I did not feel energized or more alert. I listened to the track later to give it a second chance and had to shut it off. If you can fall asleep next to Niagara Falls, then you can fall asleep to Nap26, if not, then you’re out of luck.

Do you have trouble getting enough sleep during your travels? What helps you when you feel sleep fatigued?

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IF You Go:

NAP26 App

The Suzanne Somers NAP26 App for iPhone, iPad and Android platforms is available from the Apple App Store, Android Marketplace and Blackberry platform. You may follow NAP26 on Twitter or follow Travel Writer Nancy D. Brown on Twitter for all things travel related.

College student Kendall Brown wrote this travel gear review. Powr Naps  supplied me with this travel app and CD for review.

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4 thoughts on “Suzanne Somers NAP26 App Travel Gear Review”

  1. I downloaded something like that for free – all I heard was piano instrumentals. No, it didn’t work.

  2. I have sleeping problem for at least 8 years (I am 33 years old male). Lately it got better because I have been working out everyday for 1 year (it didn’t help at the beginning though). I also found that I may have a mild stomach infection all these years so I got that taken care off. Maybe if there is some kind of infection in my body that alarms the nervous systems all the time that makes it diffcult to sleep. That’s my interpretation.

  3. Pingback: Sleep – Essential Travel Element | Nancy D Brown

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