Interview with Susie Sarich of SusieCakes

"Susie Cake Sock Hop"
SusieCakes comes to Lafayette, California with a sock hop celebration.

If you follow this blog, you know that I’m a foodie.  I guess you would call me a Food Network lurker. I have no intention of making the food dishes that are prepared on television by celebrity chefs and every day bakers, but I love watching the shows and I certainly enjoy a good meal.

While I’m the first one to seek out local bakeries, farmers markets and order regional dishes during my travels, sometime I long for classic, all American specialties like brownies, 7-layer bars and a moist and creamy slice of homemade layer cake.


Needless to say, I was quite happy when I learned, via Twitter, that Susie Sarich, owner of SusieCakes, was opening another one of her bakeries in Lafayette, California. The sugar-filled sweet shop features multi-layered cakes by the slice – red velvet cake is their best seller- bar cookies, brownies, puddings and pies – including Whoopie pie.

"Susie Cakes Whoopie Pie"
Whoopie pies are great for travel. They last for five days and are durable.

How to Travel with Whoopie Pie

Have you ever had a Whoopie pie? Today, I had my first encounter with this chocolate goodness. Two thick, chewy chocolate cookies are sandwiched between vanilla buttercream. It’s the perfect travel companion. It stands up well to abuse in a backpack, luggage or messenger bag and lasts for up to five days – not that I would have the will power to wait that long.  I’m the girl who bought her friends milk chocolate bars in Switzerland (at the beginning of a two month backpacking trip) and only had one bar to show for my good intentions back in the USA.

"Susie Sarich"
Owner Susie Sarich with one of her SusieCakes.

Swapping stories with Susie Sarich

Nancy Brown: “So how did Whoopie pie end up on the menu at SusieCakes?”

Susie Sarich: “My Grandma Millie made Whoopie pies when I was a child growing up in Chicago. When I inherited the recipe, it became mine.”

Nancy Brown: “What was the impetus behind SusieCakes?”

Susie Sarich: “I had these great recipes and I wanted to bring people back to a simpler time.”

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Nancy Brown: “Do you have experience in the baking industry?”

Susie Sarich: “I’d worked in the hospitality industry for 15 years. I saw talented women leave the industry because it is a difficult business to obtain a balance.”

Nancy Brown: “Do you plan on expanding the business and the products offered?”

Susie Sarich: “While we plan to open more bakeries, we won’t be changing the menu. We have a recipe for success. Our menu will stay consistent because we’re about back to basics.”

What are your favorite things to eat at SusieCakes?

For additional insider tips follow Luxury Travel Writer Nancy D. Brown on Twitter and follow SusieCakes on Twitter.

"Susie Cakes"
SusieCakes – Cakes, Cupcakes, Cookies

If You Go:


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