Children’s Book Review: Gladly Giraffe

Gladly Giraffe, book review
Gladly Giraffe book review

Gladly Giraffe
by Catherine Meade, Illustrated by George Masi

We absolutely loved this clever story about the kind Gladly Giraffe. Ella, age 6, enjoyed the rhyming nature of the story most, while Hadley, age 3, was a fan of the colorful illustrations and the idea that all of the animals were nice to one another. The book works well for a span of ages and has become a frequent request for a bedtime story.

Gladly Giraffe, book review

Where to Buy:
Gladly Giraffe, from Friesen Press, is available at:

Book review by Sierra, Ella and Hadley Culbertson. This book was provided for review purposes.

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